Saturday, March 05, 2005

The Bush administration goes soft

So says Joseph S. Nye in the Daily Star today.

He starts his article by saying
"The first term of U.S. President George W. Bush's presidency was marked by unilateralism and military power."
He concludes with
"It is much too early for a verdict on Bush's second-term policies. As he looks ahead to the verdict of history, he seems to realize that hard power alone will not consolidate his reputation, but he remains hostage to incidents and accidents that could drive even his best-laid plans off course. Nonetheless, the most striking thing at this point in Bush's second term is his belated discovery of the importance of diplomacy and soft power."
I think the author is a bit off mark in that President Bush's first term was marked by unilateralism and military power only after extensive efforts at diplomacy had failed. Furthermore, I think that President Bush has not belatedly discovered the importance of diplomacy and "soft power", but rather, the president is now simply allowing the slow-learners another chance to get on board the right side of history.

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