Monday, August 29, 2005

Pretend President meets with Cindy Sheehan

From the AP --

Cindy Sheehan still hasn't achieved a meeting with the president during her three-week-long war protest near his ranch, but she met a man who plays one on TV.

Martin Sheen, who plays Democratic President Josiah "Jeb" Bartlet on NBC's "The West Wing," went to Sheehan's makeshift campsite Sunday. He is known for his peace activism.

"At least you've got the acting president of the United States," Sheen said as the crowd of more than 300 people cheered. "I think you know what I do for a living, but this is what I do to stay alive."


Note: You will remember that "Pretend President Sheen" previously lent his eager support for gubernatoral candidate Janet Reno.

Martin - Staying alive.. and lovin' it!

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